It Was The Worst of Times, It Was The Worst of Times

I have been around for about 5 or 6 decades and don’t remember times like these. There have been recessions, there have been national protests, there have been pandemics. However, not all at once and not as high a level as current times. Whether these times are the hardest or most weird is up to opinion but I have heard many commentators who believe the conditions mentioned to be accurate.

The current woes and difficulties in global societies have been made worse in my opinion by ratcheting up the base level of common stress that is present at any given point in history. Prior to Covid people were concerned about what had become the normals in life: family, job, home purchase investing for retirement, and college. None of those things are a given any more.


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Welcome Back from Wild Bill Jenkins.

I have been on a long hiatus due to needing to find full time work, dealing with all of the hard times, and just plain not fucking feeling like it. I feel like it again so here we go. I am going to repost the 100 or so articles from 2009 to 2015 or so to look back and perhaps see how the world got everything so cocked up.




Charlie took time to reflect on his life. The time he narrowly escaped the next door neighbors dog. Catching the bird in the back yard. What does it all mean. What does anything mean.

cat on couch
